Source code for

Collection of classes and functions to obtain spectral parameters.

from pvlib import iotools
import os
import glob
import pandas as pd
from rex import NSRDBX, Outputs
from pvdeg import humidity
import datetime
import numpy as np

import h5py
import dask.dataframe as dd
import xarray as xr

[docs] def get(database, id=None, geospatial=False, **kwargs): """ Load weather data directly from NSRDB or through any other PVLIB i/o Load weather data directly from NSRDB or through any other PVLIB i/o tools function Parameters: ----------- database : (str) 'NSRDB' or 'PVGIS' id : (int or tuple) If NSRDB, id is the gid for the desired location If PVGIS, id is a tuple of (latitude, longitude) for the desired location geospatial : (bool) If True, initialize weather data via xarray dataset and meta data via dask dataframe. This is useful for large scale geospatial analyses on distributed compute systems. Geospaital analyses are only supported for NSRDB data and locally stored h5 files that follow pvlib conventions. **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to the get_weather function (see pvlib.iotools.get_psm3 for PVGIS, and get_NSRDB for NSRDB) Returns: -------- weather_df : (pd.DataFrame) DataFrame of weather data meta : (dict) Dictionary of metadata for the weather data """ META_MAP = {"elevation": "altitude", "Local Time Zone": "tz"} if type(id) is tuple: location = id gid = None lat = location[0] lon = location[1] elif type(id) is int: gid = id location = None elif id is None: if not geospatial: raise TypeError( "Specify location via tuple (latitude, longitude), or gid integer." ) if not geospatial: # TODO: decide wether to follow NSRDB or pvlib conventions... # e.g. temp_air vs. air_temperature # "map variables" will guarantee PVLIB conventions (automatic in coming update) which is "temp_air" if database == "NSRDB": weather_df, meta = get_NSRDB(gid=gid, location=location, **kwargs) elif database == "PVGIS": URL = "" weather_df, _, meta, _ = iotools.get_pvgis_tmy( latitude=lat, longitude=lon, map_variables=True, url=URL, **kwargs ) meta = meta["location"] elif database == "PSM3": weather_df, meta = iotools.get_psm3(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, **kwargs) elif database == "local": fp = kwargs.pop("file") fn, fext = os.path.splitext(fp) weather_df, meta = read(gid=gid, file_in=fp, file_type=fext[1:], **kwargs) else: raise NameError("Weather database not found.") for key in [*meta.keys()]: if key in META_MAP.keys(): meta[META_MAP[key]] = meta.pop(key) if database == "NSRDB" or database == "PSM3": meta["wind_height"] = 2 meta["Source"] = "NSRDB" elif database == "PVGIS": meta["wind_height"] = 10 meta["Source"] = "PVGIS" else: meta["wind_height"] = None # switch weather data headers and metadata to pvlib standard map_weather(weather_df) map_meta(meta) if "relative_humidity" not in weather_df.columns: print('Column "relative_humidity" not found in DataFrame. Calculating...') weather_df = humidity._ambient(weather_df) return weather_df, meta elif geospatial: if database == "NSRDB": weather_ds, meta_df = get_NSRDB(geospatial=geospatial, **kwargs) meta_df["wind_height"] = 2 elif database == "local": fp = kwargs.pop("file") weather_ds, meta_df = ini_h5_geospatial(fp) else: raise NameError(f"Geospatial analysis not implemented for {database}.") return weather_ds, meta_df
[docs] def read(file_in, file_type, map_variables=True, **kwargs): """ Read a locally stored weather file of any PVLIB compatible type #TODO: add error handling Parameters: ----------- file_in : (path) full file path to the desired weather file file_type : (str) type of weather file from list below (verified) [psm3, tmy3, epw, h5, csv] """ META_MAP = {"elevation": "altitude", "Local Time Zone": "tz"} supported = ["psm3", "tmy3", "epw", "h5", "csv"] file_type = file_type.upper() if file_type in ["PSM3", "PSM"]: weather_df, meta = iotools.read_psm3(filename=file_in, map_variables=True) elif file_type in ["TMY3", "TMY"]: weather_df, meta = iotools.read_tmy3( filename=file_in ) # map variable not worki - check pvlib for map_variables elif file_type == "EPW": weather_df, meta = iotools.read_epw(filename=file_in) elif file_type == "H5": weather_df, meta = read_h5(file=file_in, **kwargs) elif file_type == "CSV": weather_df, meta = csv_read(filename=file_in) else: print(f"File-Type not recognized. supported types:\n{supported}") if not isinstance(meta, dict): meta = meta.to_dict() # map meta-names as needed if map_variables == True: map_weather(weather_df) map_meta(meta) if weather_df.index.tzinfo is None: tz = "Etc/GMT%+d" % -meta["tz"] weather_df = weather_df.tz_localize(tz) return weather_df, meta
[docs] def csv_read(filename): """ Read a locally stored csv weather file. The first line contains the meta data variable names, and the second line contains the meta data values. This is followed by the meterological data. Parameters: ----------- file_path : (str) file path and name of h5 file to be read Returns: -------- weather_df : (pd.DataFrame) DataFrame of weather data meta : (dict) Dictionary of metadata for the weather data """ file1 = open(filename, "r") # get the meta data from the first two lines metadata_fields = file1.readline().split(",") metadata_fields[-1] = metadata_fields[-1].strip() # strip trailing newline metadata_values = file1.readline().split(",") metadata_values[-1] = metadata_values[-1].strip() # strip trailing newline meta = dict(zip(metadata_fields, metadata_values)) for ( key ) in meta: # converts everything to a float that is possible to convert to a float try: meta[key] = float(meta[key]) except: pass # get the column headers columns = file1.readline().split(",") columns[-1] = columns[-1].strip() # strip trailing newline # remove blank columns if they are there columns = [col for col in columns if col != ""] dtypes = dict.fromkeys(columns, float) # all floats except datevec dtypes.update(Year=int, Month=int, Day=int, Hour=int, Minute=int) dtypes["Cloud Type"] = int dtypes["Fill Flag"] = int weather_df = pd.read_csv( file1, header=None, names=columns, usecols=columns, dtype=dtypes, delimiter=",", lineterminator="\n", ) try: dtidx = pd.to_datetime( weather_df[["Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour", "Minute", "Second"]] ) except: try: dtidx = pd.to_datetime( weather_df[["Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour", "Minute"]] ) except: try: dtidx = pd.to_datetime(weather_df[["Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour"]]) finally: dtidx = print( "Your data file should have columns for Year, Month, Day, and Hour" ) weather_df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(dtidx) file1.close() return weather_df, meta
[docs] def map_meta(meta): """ " This will update the headings for meterological data to standard forms as outlined in Returns: -------- meta : dictionary DataFrame of weather data with modified column headers. """ META_MAP = { "elevation": "altitude", "Elevation": "altitude", "Local Time Zone": "tz", "Time Zone": "tz", "timezone": "tz", "Dew Point": "dew_point", "Longitude": "longitude", "Latitude": "latitude", } # map meta-names as needed for key in [*meta.keys()]: if key in META_MAP.keys(): meta[META_MAP[key]] = meta.pop(key) return meta
[docs] def map_weather(weather_df): """ " This will update the headings for meterological data to standard forms as outlined in Returns: -------- weather_df : (pd.DataFrame) DataFrame of weather data with modified column headers. """ DSET_MAP = { "year": "Year", "month": "Month", "day": "Day", "hour": "Hour", "minute": "Minute", "second": "Second", "GHI": "ghi", "DHI": "dhi", "DNI": "dni", "Clearsky GHI": "ghi_clear", "Clearsky DHI": "dhi_clear", "Clearsky DNI": "dni_clear", "Solar Zenith Angle": "solar_zenith", "Temperature": "temp_air", "air_temperature": "temp_air", "Relative Humidity": "relative_humidity", "Dew Point": "dew_point", "temp_dew": "dew_point", "Pressure": "pressure", "Wind Speed": "wind_speed", "Wind Direction": "wind_direction", "Surface Albedo": "albedo", "Precipitable Water": "precipitable_water", } for column_name in weather_df.columns: if column_name in [*DSET_MAP.keys()]: weather_df.rename( columns={column_name: DSET_MAP[column_name]}, inplace=True ) return weather_df
[docs] def read_h5(gid, file, attributes=None, **_): """ Read a locally stored h5 weather file that follows NSRDB conventions. Parameters: ----------- file : (str) file path and name of h5 file to be read gid : (int) gid for the desired location attributes : (list) List of weather attributes to extract from NSRDB Returns: -------- weather_df : (pd.DataFrame) DataFrame of weather data meta : (dict) Dictionary of metadata for the weather data """ if os.path.dirname(file): fp = file else: fp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.basename(file)) with Outputs(fp, mode="r") as f: meta = f.meta.loc[gid] index = f.time_index dattr = f.attrs # TODO: put into utilities if attributes == None: attributes = list(dattr.keys()) try: attributes.remove("meta") attributes.remove("tmy_year_short") except ValueError: pass weather_df = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=attributes) for dset in attributes: with Outputs(fp, mode="r") as f: weather_df[dset] = f[dset, :, gid] return weather_df, meta.to_dict()
[docs] def ini_h5_geospatial(fps): """ initialize an h5 weather file that follows NSRDB conventions for geospatial analyses. Parameters: ----------- file_path : (str) file path and name of h5 file to be read gid : (int) gid for the desired location attributes : (list) List of weather attributes to extract from NSRDB Returns: -------- weather_df : (pd.DataFrame) DataFrame of weather data meta : (dict) Dictionary of metadata for the weather data """ dss = [] drop_variables = ["meta", "time_index", "tmy_year", "tmy_year_short", "coordinates"] for i, fp in enumerate(fps): hf = h5py.File(fp, "r") attr = list(hf) attr_to_read = [elem for elem in attr if elem not in drop_variables] chunks = [] shapes = [] for var in attr_to_read: chunks.append( hf[var].chunks if hf[var].chunks is not None else (np.nan, np.nan) ) shapes.append( hf[var].shape if hf[var].shape is not None else (np.nan, np.nan) ) chunks = min(set(chunks)) shapes = min(set(shapes)) if i == 0: time_index = pd.to_datetime(hf["time_index"][...].astype(str)).values meta_df = pd.read_hdf(fp, key="meta") coords = {"gid": meta_df.index.values, "time": time_index} coords_len = {"time": time_index.shape[0], "gid": meta_df.shape[0]} ds = xr.open_dataset( fp, engine="h5netcdf", phony_dims="sort", chunks={"phony_dim_0": chunks[0], "phony_dim_1": chunks[1]}, drop_variables=drop_variables, mask_and_scale=False, decode_cf=True, ) for var in ds.data_vars: if hasattr(getattr(ds, var), "psm_scale_factor"): scale_factor = 1 / ds[var].psm_scale_factor getattr(ds, var).attrs["scale_factor"] = scale_factor # TODO: delete # if tuple(coords_len.values()) == ( # ds.sizes["phony_dim_0"], # ds.sizes["phony_dim_1"], # ): # rename = {"phony_dim_0": "time", "phony_dim_1": "gid"} # elif tuple(coords_len.values()) == ( # ds.sizes["phony_dim_1"], # ds.sizes["phony_dim_0"], # ): # rename = {"phony_dim_0": "gid", "phony_dim_1": "time"} # else: # raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match for {}".format(var)) rename = {} for ( phony, length, ) in ds.sizes.items(): if length == coords_len["time"]: rename[phony] = "time" elif length == coords_len["gid"]: rename[phony] = "gid" ds = ds.rename(rename) ds = ds.assign_coords(coords) # TODO: In case re-chunking becomes necessary # ax0 = list(ds.sizes.keys())[list(ds.sizes.values()).index(shapes[0])] # ax1 = list(ds.sizes.keys())[list(ds.sizes.values()).index(shapes[1])] # ds = ds.chunk(chunks={ax0:chunks[0], ax1:chunks[1]}) dss.append(ds) ds = xr.merge(dss) ds = xr.decode_cf(ds) # Rechunk time axis ds = ds.chunk(chunks={"time": -1, "gid": ds.chunks["gid"]}) weather_ds = ds return weather_ds, meta_df
[docs] def get_NSRDB_fnames(satellite, names, NREL_HPC=False, **_): """ Get a list of NSRDB files for a given satellite and year Parameters: ----------- satellite : (str) 'GOES', 'METEOSAT', 'Himawari', 'SUNY', 'CONUS', 'Americas' names : (int or str) PVLIB naming convention year or 'TMY': If int, year of desired data If str, 'TMY' or 'TMY3' NREL_HPC : (bool) If True, use NREL HPC path If False, use AWS path Returns: -------- nsrdb_fnames : (list) List of NSRDB files for a given satellite and year hsds : (bool) If True, use h5pyd to access NSRDB files If False, use h5py to access NSRDB files """ sat_map = { "GOES": "full_disc", "METEOSAT": "meteosat", "Himawari": "himawari", "SUNY": "india", "CONUS": "conus", "Americas": "current", } if NREL_HPC: hpc_fp = "/datasets/NSRDB/" hsds = False else: hpc_fp = "/nrel/nsrdb/v3/" hsds = True if type(names) in [int, float]: nsrdb_fp = os.path.join( hpc_fp, sat_map[satellite], "*_{}.h5".format(int(names)) ) nsrdb_fnames = glob.glob(nsrdb_fp) else: nsrdb_fp = os.path.join( hpc_fp, sat_map[satellite], "*_{}*.h5".format(names.lower()) ) nsrdb_fnames = glob.glob(nsrdb_fp) if len(nsrdb_fnames) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( "Couldn't find NSRDB input files! \nSearched for: '{}'".format(nsrdb_fp) ) return nsrdb_fnames, hsds
[docs] def get_NSRDB( satellite=None, names="TMY", NREL_HPC=False, gid=None, location=None, geospatial=False, attributes=None, **_, ): """ Get NSRDB weather data from different satellites and years. Provide either gid or location tuple. Parameters: ----------- satellite : (str) 'GOES', 'METEOSAT', 'Himawari', 'SUNY', 'CONUS', 'Americas' names : (int or str) If int, year of desired data If str, 'TMY' or 'TMY3' NREL_HPC : (bool) If True, use NREL HPC path If False, use AWS path gid : (int) gid for the desired location location : (tuple) (latitude, longitude) for the desired location attributes : (list) List of weather attributes to extract from NSRDB Returns: -------- weather_df : (pd.DataFrame) DataFrame of weather data meta : (dict) Dictionary of metadata for the weather data """ DSET_MAP = {"air_temperature": "temp_air", "Relative Humidity": "relative_humidity"} META_MAP = {"elevation": "altitude", "Local Time Zone": "tz", "timezone": "tz"} if ( satellite == None ): # TODO: This function is not fully written as of January 3, 2024 satellite, gid = get_satellite(location) print("the satellite is ", satellite) if not geospatial: nsrdb_fnames, hsds = get_NSRDB_fnames( satellite=satellite, names=names, NREL_HPC=NREL_HPC ) dattr = {} for i, file in enumerate(nsrdb_fnames): with NSRDBX(file, hsds=hsds) as f: if i == 0: if gid == None: # TODO: add exception handling gid = f.lat_lon_gid(location) meta = f["meta", gid].iloc[0] index = f.time_index lattr = f.datasets for attr in lattr: dattr[attr] = file if attributes == None: attributes = list(dattr.keys()) try: attributes.remove("meta") attributes.remove("tmy_year_short") except ValueError: pass weather_df = pd.DataFrame(index=index) for dset in attributes: # switch dset names to pvlib standard if dset in [*DSET_MAP.keys()]: column_name = DSET_MAP[dset] else: column_name = dset with NSRDBX(dattr[dset], hsds=hsds) as f: weather_df[column_name] = f[dset, :, gid] # switch meta key names to pvlib standard re_idx = [] for key in [*meta.index]: if key in META_MAP.keys(): re_idx.append(META_MAP[key]) else: re_idx.append(key) meta.index = re_idx return weather_df, meta.to_dict() elif geospatial: nsrdb_fnames, hsds = get_NSRDB_fnames(satellite, names, NREL_HPC) weather_ds, meta_df = ini_h5_geospatial(nsrdb_fnames) if attributes is not None: weather_ds = weather_ds[attributes] for dset in weather_ds.data_vars: if dset in DSET_MAP.keys(): weather_ds = weather_ds.rename({dset: DSET_MAP[dset]}) for mset in meta_df.columns: if mset in META_MAP.keys(): meta_df.rename(columns={mset: META_MAP[mset]}, inplace=True) return weather_ds, meta_df
[docs] def repeat_annual_time_series(time_series, start_year, n_years): """ Repeat a pandas time series dataframe containing annual data. For example, repeat TMY data by n_years, adding in leap days as necessary. For now, this function requires 1 or more full years of uniform interval (non-leap year) data, i.e. length must be a multiple of 8760. On leap days, all data is set to 0. TODO: make it possible to have weirder time series, e.g. non uniform intervals. Include option for synthetic leap day data Parameters: ----------- time_series : (pd.DataFrame) pandas dataframe with DatetimeIndex time_series : (int) desired starting year of time_series n_years : (int) number of years to repeat time_series Returns: -------- new_time_series : (pd.DataFrame) pandas dataframe repeated n_years """ if len(time_series) % 8760 != 0: raise ValueError("Length of time_series must be a multiple of 8760") tz = time_series = time_series.tz_localize( None ) # timezone aware timeseries can cause problems, we'll make it tz-naive for now time_series.index = dt: dt.replace(year=start_year)) start = time_series.index[0] for year in range(start_year, start_year + n_years): if year == start_year: if is_leap_year(year): this_year = time_series.copy() this_year.index = lambda dt: dt.replace(year=year) ) this_year = pd.concat( [ this_year[: str(year) + "-02-28"], pd.DataFrame( 0, index=pd.date_range( start=datetime.datetime( year=year, month=2, day=29, minute=start.minute ), end=datetime.datetime(year=year, month=3, day=1), freq="H", ), columns=time_series.columns, ), this_year[str(year) + "-03-01" :], ] ) new_time_series = this_year else: this_year = time_series.copy() this_year.index = lambda dt: dt.replace(year=year) ) new_time_series = this_year else: if is_leap_year(year): this_year = time_series.copy() this_year.index = lambda dt: dt.replace(year=year) ) this_year = pd.concat( [ this_year[: str(year) + "-02-28"], pd.DataFrame( 0, index=pd.date_range( start=datetime.datetime( year=year, month=2, day=29, minute=start.minute ), end=datetime.datetime(year=year, month=3, day=1), freq="H", ), columns=time_series.columns, ), this_year[str(year) + "-03-01" :], ] ) new_time_series = pd.concat([new_time_series, this_year]) else: this_year = time_series.copy() this_year.index = lambda dt: dt.replace(year=year) ) new_time_series = pd.concat([new_time_series, this_year]) new_time_series.index = new_time_series.index.tz_localize( tz=tz ) # add back in the timezone return new_time_series
[docs] def is_leap_year(year): """Returns True if year is a leap year""" if year % 4 != 0: return False elif year % 100 != 0: return True elif year % 400 != 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def get_satellite(location): """ identify a satellite to use for a given lattitude and longitude. This is to provide default values worldwide, but a more experienced user may want to specify a specific satellite to get better data. Provide a location tuple. Parameters: ----------- location : (tuple) (latitude, longitude) for the desired location Returns: -------- satellite : (str) 'GOES', 'METEOSAT', 'Himawari', 'SUNY', 'CONUS', 'Americas' gid : (int) gid for the desired location """ # this is just a placeholder till the actual code gets programmed. satellite = "PSM3" # gid = f.lat_lon_gid(lat_lon=location) # I couldn't get this to work gid = None return satellite, gid
[docs] def write(data_df, metadata, savefile="WeatherFile.csv"): """ Saves dataframe with weather data and any associated meta data in an *.csv format. The metadata will be formatted on the first two lines with the first being the descriptor and the second line being the value. Then the meterological, time and other data series headers on on the third line with all the subsequent data on the remaining lines. This format can be read by the PVDeg software. Parameters ----------- data_df : pandas.DataFrame timeseries data. metdata : dictionary Dictionary with 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'source', 'tz' for timezone, and other meta data. savefile : str Name of file to save output as. Name of file to save output as. standardSAM : boolean This checks the dataframe to avoid having a leap day, then averages it to SAM style (closed to the right), and fills the years so it starst on YEAR/1/1 0:0 and ends on YEAR/12/31 23:00. includeminute ; Bool For hourly data, if SAM input does not have Minutes, it calculates the sun position 30 minutes prior to the hour (i.e. 12 timestamp means sun position at 11:30). If minutes are included, it will calculate the sun position at the time of the timestamp (12:00 at 12:00) Set to true if resolution of data is sub-hourly. Name of file to save output as. standardSAM : boolean This checks the dataframe to avoid having a leap day, then averages it to SAM style (closed to the right), and fills the years so it starst on YEAR/1/1 0:0 and ends on YEAR/12/31 23:00. includeminute ; Bool For hourly data, if SAM input does not have Minutes, it calculates the sun position 30 minutes prior to the hour (i.e. 12 timestamp means sun position at 11:30). If minutes are included, it will calculate the sun position at the time of the timestamp (12:00 at 12:00) Set to true if resolution of data is sub-hourly. Returns ------- Nothing, it just writes the file. """ meta_string = ( ", ".join(str(key) for key, value in metadata.items()) + "\n" + ", ".join(str(value) for key, value in metadata.items()) ) result_df = pd.concat([data_df], axis=1).reindex() savedata = result_df.to_string(index=False).split("\n") savedata.pop(0) savedata = [",".join(ele.split()) for ele in savedata] savedata = "\n".join(savedata) columns = list( data_df.columns ) # This had to be pulled out separately because spaces can get turned into commas in the header names. str1 = "" for ele in columns: str1 = str1 + ele + "," savedata = meta_string + "\n" + str1 + "\n" + savedata file1 = open(savefile, "w") file1.writelines(savedata) file1.close()