.. _tutorials: ========== Tutorials ========== Gallery Coming Soon In the mean time check the jupyter-book for interactive trainings *Nbgallery element* Jupyter Book ------------ For in depth Tutorials you can run online, see our `jupyter-book `_ Clicking on the rocket-icon on the top allows you to launch the journals on `Google Colaboratory `_ for interactive mode. Just uncomment the first line `pip install ...` to install the environment on each journal if you follow this mode. Binder ------ To run these tutorials in Binder, you can click here: .. image:: https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/NREL/PVDegradationTools/main :alt: Binder It takes a minute to load the environment. Locally ------- You can also run the tutorial locally in a virtual environment, i.e., `venv` or `miniconda `_. 1. Create and activate a new environment, e.g., on Mac/Linux terminal with `venv`: ``python -m venv pvdeg . pvdeg/bin/activate`` or with `conda`: ``conda create -n pvdeg conda activate pvdeg`` 1. Install `pvdeg` into the new environment with `pip`: ``python -m pip install pvdeg`` 1. Start a Jupyter session: ``jupyter notebook`` 1. Use the file explorer in Jupyter lab to browse to `tutorials` and start the first Tutorial.